This time the event took place in a rather unusual place. In the area of the Fedin station on the Russian-Polyansky tract in the SNT "Ivushka".
Volunteers organized watering seedlings in the territory of 2 hectares.
With the support of the Tyumen base of aviation and ground protection of forests with the help of technology, it was possible to process 3.5 hectares of area.
At this place, volunteers landed 22,000 seedlings of pine and restoration of 5.5 hectares of territory.
The tractor treated the aisle and the grass was removed from them, so that the trees could have enough sunlight.
The tractor treated the aisle and the grass was removed from them, so that the trees could have enough sunlight.
Agricultural maintenance today is often carried out mechanically using a tractor and special plows.
В посадке приняли участие волонтеры г. Omsk, сотрудники агрохолдинга «Сибирь» и представители местного управления лесного хозяйства. Все вместе они высадили сеянцы сосны и березы на защитных полосах земель сельскохозяйственного назначения.
Sberbank employees, volunteers from among the townspeople who arrived in the village for landing, and local residents sharing our aspirations for forestry united to restore 3 hectares of territory.
В посадке приняли участие волонтеры из города Omskа, местные жители села Соляное и поселка Черлак. В живописном месте недалеко от автомобильной дороги было высажено 8 000 сеянцев сосны.
Местное аграрное предприятие во главе с Соловьевым Сергеем Леонидовичем, вместе с местными жителями, а также студентами и волонтерами с Omskа было высажено несколько лесозагородительных полос, что очень важно для предприятия и для этого района.
In difficult weather conditions - air temperature +4 in the morning, +8 in the afternoon and with a wind of 15 m / s, together with Victory volunteers, students and local residents worked from 9.00 to 16.00
Heroic volunteers, together with the coordinators, planted 18,000 pine saplings.
50 volunteers, students, employees of the Sberbank call center, 32 people, foresters and coordinators took part in the planting.
Many trees have taken root, some have died from the intense heat, but if necessary, the volunteers and I will carry out an annoyance in these areas.
Many trees have taken root, some have died from the intense heat, but if necessary, the volunteers and I will carry out an annoyance in these areas.
Planting 10,000 two-year-old pine seedlings within the framework of the Southern Forest Belt of Russia project
On May 15, 2021, 10,000 two-year-old pine seedlings were planted as part of the project "Southern Forest Belt of Russia
This weekend, we held a forest planting campaign in Kyakhta. While we were giving all our efforts to planting seedlings, we were thinking about the birthday of our native Republic of Buryatia!
This weekend, we held a forest planting campaign in Kyakhta. While we were giving all our efforts to planting seedlings, we were thinking about the birthday of our native Republic of Buryatia!