Astrakhan region

April 30, 2023 in the Astrakhan region, an agricultural department was held for 2,000 trees with the support of Sber

The purpose of the event: creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of forest crops.

April 30, 2023 | Tree care reports
On April 16, 2022, 2000 seedlings of white Yves and ash with the support of Sberus were landed in the Astrakhan region.

The trees were planted and watered, which was helped as much as possible in organizing the Green City MBU promotion. I would like to express my gratitude to the director Igor Mishchenko for a responsible and competent approach, a comprehensive participation in the action.

April 16, 2022 | Reports
On May 16, 2021, trees were planted in the Volodarsky district within the framework of the "PosadiLes" project

On May 16, 2021, trees were planted in the Volodarsky district within the framework of the "PosadiLes" project

May 16, 2021 | Reports
Two thousand trees were planted to restore the forest in Kamyzyaksky district

On April 29, near the village of Kirovsky, Kamyzyaksky district, 2 thousand young trees were planted to restore the coastal forest. Planting was organized within the framework of the all-Russian project for reforestation of with the support of the ECA Movement.

April 29, 2018 | Reports
SPLAT continues to offset its carbon footprint by planting forests in the Astrakhan region

   In October 2017, in the village of three ducts of the Astrakhan region on the territory of the deceased forest, Splat, with the help of ECA volunteers, landed 2000 Duba, ash and birch seedlings. Landing was continued to compensate for the carbon trace of the company as part of the project.

17 October 2017 | Reports
Autumn planting took place in the Astrakhan region thanks to the service

On October 2, the PosadiLes campaign was held on the territory of the protected forest area of ​​the Astrakhan region, Gorodskaya Island. 2000 ash, elm and poplar seedlings on the territory of 1.5-2 hectares. were landed by volunteers of the EKA movement with the support of student associations of Astrakhan, as well as the active participation of the volunteer squad "Helping Hand" of AGASU and the Profstudom of ASTU. In total, about 50 people took part in the action, mainly young people [...]

18 October 2016 | Reports
Spring planting took place in the Astrakhan region

In April 2016, “Plant a Forest” tree planting took place in the Astrakhan region, organized by the service and the Astrakhan branch of the ECA movement. About 30 activists planted over 1000 perennial saplings of maple, oak, elm - tree species resistant to high temperatures within 8 hours. The trees were planted in a reforestation site that was damaged by fires (total [...]

April 24, 2016 | Reports
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Tag: Astrakhan region - Plant a forest

Astrakhan region

April 30, 2023 in the Astrakhan region, an agricultural department was held for 2,000 trees with the support of Sber

The purpose of the event: creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of forest crops.

April 30, 2023 | Tree care reports
On April 16, 2022, 2000 seedlings of white Yves and ash with the support of Sberus were landed in the Astrakhan region.

The trees were planted and watered, which was helped as much as possible in organizing the Green City MBU promotion. I would like to express my gratitude to the director Igor Mishchenko for a responsible and competent approach, a comprehensive participation in the action.

April 16, 2022 | Reports
On May 16, 2021, trees were planted in the Volodarsky district within the framework of the "PosadiLes" project

On May 16, 2021, trees were planted in the Volodarsky district within the framework of the "PosadiLes" project

May 16, 2021 | Reports
Two thousand trees were planted to restore the forest in Kamyzyaksky district

On April 29, near the village of Kirovsky, Kamyzyaksky district, 2 thousand young trees were planted to restore the coastal forest. Planting was organized within the framework of the all-Russian project for reforestation of with the support of the ECA Movement.

April 29, 2018 | Reports
SPLAT continues to offset its carbon footprint by planting forests in the Astrakhan region

   In October 2017, in the village of three ducts of the Astrakhan region on the territory of the deceased forest, Splat, with the help of ECA volunteers, landed 2000 Duba, ash and birch seedlings. Landing was continued to compensate for the carbon trace of the company as part of the project.

17 October 2017 | Reports
Autumn planting took place in the Astrakhan region thanks to the service

On October 2, the PosadiLes campaign was held on the territory of the protected forest area of ​​the Astrakhan region, Gorodskaya Island. 2000 ash, elm and poplar seedlings on the territory of 1.5-2 hectares. were landed by volunteers of the EKA movement with the support of student associations of Astrakhan, as well as the active participation of the volunteer squad "Helping Hand" of AGASU and the Profstudom of ASTU. In total, about 50 people took part in the action, mainly young people [...]

18 October 2016 | Reports
Spring planting took place in the Astrakhan region

In April 2016, “Plant a Forest” tree planting took place in the Astrakhan region, organized by the service and the Astrakhan branch of the ECA movement. About 30 activists planted over 1000 perennial saplings of maple, oak, elm - tree species resistant to high temperatures within 8 hours. The trees were planted in a reforestation site that was damaged by fires (total [...]

April 24, 2016 | Reports
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