Autumn planting took place in the Astrakhan region thanks to the service

  2 Octoberon the territory of the protected forest area of ​​the Astrakhan region, Gorodskaya island, an action was held PosadiLes.
2000 ash, elm and poplar seedlings on the territory 1.5-2 hectares. were landed by volunteers of the EKA movement with the support of student associations of Astrakhan, as well as the active participation of the volunteer squad "Helping Hand" of AGASU and the Profstudom of ASTU. In total, about 50 people, mostly young people, but under the "patronage" of experienced mentors who helped to carry out the landing correctly.


Volunteers brought all the necessary equipment for planting and water for irrigation. A section of the forest zone for planting was preliminarily cleared of debris. An innovative method of planting trees of different ages was applied in the planting. In the center of the plot, an alley was restored, planted with a linear type, mainly with two- and three-year trees. And along the periphery, in a kind of circle, taking into account natural features, annual seedlings are planted. At the end of the event, a pleasant surprise awaited activists: hot tea and vegetarian pizza in honor of World Vegetarian Day, which is celebrated around the world on October 1. The organizers express their deep gratitude to everyone who made a personal contribution to the restoration of Russian forests, and also supported the planting in the Astrakhan region through the PosadiLes service!

Why is it important to restore the forest:
The Astrakhan region is characterized by the problem of forest fires, and every year the area of ​​the region's forests is steadily decreasing. The reason for this is various factors: natural fires, careless handling of fire on the part of vacationers or numerous debris that, under the influence of high temperatures, can cause a fire. Therefore, the restoration of forest areas is an important task for the preservation of the nature of the region.



GPS Coordinates:46.36558, 48.02396



terminal with which you can plant trees

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Autumn planting took place in the Astrakhan region thanks to the service - Plant a forest

Autumn planting took place in the Astrakhan region thanks to the service

  2 Octoberon the territory of the protected forest area of ​​the Astrakhan region, Gorodskaya island, an action was held PosadiLes.
2000 ash, elm and poplar seedlings on the territory 1.5-2 hectares. were landed by volunteers of the EKA movement with the support of student associations of Astrakhan, as well as the active participation of the volunteer squad "Helping Hand" of AGASU and the Profstudom of ASTU. In total, about 50 people, mostly young people, but under the "patronage" of experienced mentors who helped to carry out the landing correctly.


Volunteers brought all the necessary equipment for planting and water for irrigation. A section of the forest zone for planting was preliminarily cleared of debris. An innovative method of planting trees of different ages was applied in the planting. In the center of the plot, an alley was restored, planted with a linear type, mainly with two- and three-year trees. And along the periphery, in a kind of circle, taking into account natural features, annual seedlings are planted. At the end of the event, a pleasant surprise awaited activists: hot tea and vegetarian pizza in honor of World Vegetarian Day, which is celebrated around the world on October 1. The organizers express their deep gratitude to everyone who made a personal contribution to the restoration of Russian forests, and also supported the planting in the Astrakhan region through the PosadiLes service!

Why is it important to restore the forest:
The Astrakhan region is characterized by the problem of forest fires, and every year the area of ​​the region's forests is steadily decreasing. The reason for this is various factors: natural fires, careless handling of fire on the part of vacationers or numerous debris that, under the influence of high temperatures, can cause a fire. Therefore, the restoration of forest areas is an important task for the preservation of the nature of the region.



GPS Coordinates:46.36558, 48.02396



terminal with which you can plant trees

Mobile game

Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia