On October 9, 2021, 8,000 pine seedlings were planted in the Altai Territory with the support of the Audemars Piguet Foundation
More than 120 volunteers planted 8,000 pine seedlings.
For Belokurikha, this is already the second action, the participants of the spring planting willingly came to plant trees in the fall. The nature itself helped the volunteers - it was warm and sunny. Thank you all for your participation! The planting was attended by students from two schools and students of the Academy of Hospitality. The guys tried very hard, many were carried away by the planting process so that even for lunch they did not want to be interrupted. We express our gratitude to the city administration for help in organizing the landing, to the students of the Academy of Hospitality. We express our special gratitude for the help to the coordinators in the preparation and conduct of the action!