On November 7, 2021, 4000 pine seedlings were planted in the Volgograd Region with the support of the Audemars Piguet Foundation


Thin twigs, "pubescent" with needles, according to experts, are better accepted than their grown-up counterparts. And the possibility that in a few decades slender trees with amber trunks and spreading crowns will rush up here, grows at times. The planting material was purchased from the Saratov nursery.

The creation of a green shield from the "Kamyshin rain" around settlements is an important and necessary task, designed to combat drought, desertification, dust storms. It would seem that the science is simple: I dug a planting hole in a certain place, placed a seedling there and sprinkled it with earth. But no, the technology is different, taking into account, in addition to our aesthetic needs, the needs of the pines themselves - you just need to make a narrow "gap" in the ground, trying not to disturb the natural balance. Pre-soak the roots in a clay-water "chatterbox" so that the wounds caused by mechanical damage heal faster and moisture is provided. Trampling the soil around with great effort is also unacceptable. All these tricks of the volunteer assistants were taught by representatives of the all-Russian movement ECA and participants of the "Green Kamyshin" project. Unfortunately, even with strict adherence to agricultural technology in our conditions, about 50 percent of the planted trees survive, as happened, for example, with the plantings made by volunteers in the spring near the village of Lebyazhye. This summer turned out to be too hot, and in August, when the volunteers came to water the plantings and mow dead wood, the picture did not please them. Nevertheless, if we sit idly by, the forest in our area will only steadily decline.

"In Soviet times, forest belts grew in this place, but later they were destroyed by fire."

Anna Cologne

Head of Michurinsky rural settlement

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
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A forest was planted in the Volgograd region - Plant a forest

On November 7, 2021, 4000 pine seedlings were planted in the Volgograd Region with the support of the Audemars Piguet Foundation


Thin twigs, "pubescent" with needles, according to experts, are better accepted than their grown-up counterparts. And the possibility that in a few decades slender trees with amber trunks and spreading crowns will rush up here, grows at times. The planting material was purchased from the Saratov nursery.

The creation of a green shield from the "Kamyshin rain" around settlements is an important and necessary task, designed to combat drought, desertification, dust storms. It would seem that the science is simple: I dug a planting hole in a certain place, placed a seedling there and sprinkled it with earth. But no, the technology is different, taking into account, in addition to our aesthetic needs, the needs of the pines themselves - you just need to make a narrow "gap" in the ground, trying not to disturb the natural balance. Pre-soak the roots in a clay-water "chatterbox" so that the wounds caused by mechanical damage heal faster and moisture is provided. Trampling the soil around with great effort is also unacceptable. All these tricks of the volunteer assistants were taught by representatives of the all-Russian movement ECA and participants of the "Green Kamyshin" project. Unfortunately, even with strict adherence to agricultural technology in our conditions, about 50 percent of the planted trees survive, as happened, for example, with the plantings made by volunteers in the spring near the village of Lebyazhye. This summer turned out to be too hot, and in August, when the volunteers came to water the plantings and mow dead wood, the picture did not please them. Nevertheless, if we sit idly by, the forest in our area will only steadily decline.

"In Soviet times, forest belts grew in this place, but later they were destroyed by fire."

Anna Cologne

Head of Michurinsky rural settlement

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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