April 30, 2022 in the Omsk region, 8,000 pine and birch seedlings were planted with the support of the Audemars Piguet Foundation

April 30, 2022 in the village. The desired Odessa district of the Omsk region as part of the project “Southern Forest Belt of Russia” landing of trees took place. The event was held in close proximity to the border of Kazakhstan. Volunteers of Omsk, employees of the Siberian agricultural holding and representatives of the local forestry department took part in the landing. Together, they planted pine and birch seedlings on the protective bands of agricultural land.

We express gratitude for the assistance in holding the event to the local department of Lyubinsky forestry in the person of Loktev Alexander Mikhailovich, Siberia agricultural holding represented by Kisilevsky Konstantin Viktorovich and of course our fearless and tireless volunteers, whom we will wait for new and new landings!

“Despite the wind and constant movements in the fields from place to place, all participants showed resistance and conscientious attitude to the task. All planned 8,000 seedlings were planted "

Volkov Mikhail

Coordinator of the project "Plant the Forest" in the Omsk region

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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A forest was planted in the Omsk region - Plant a forest

April 30, 2022 in the Omsk region, 8,000 pine and birch seedlings were planted with the support of the Audemars Piguet Foundation

April 30, 2022 in the village. The desired Odessa district of the Omsk region as part of the project “Southern Forest Belt of Russia” landing of trees took place. The event was held in close proximity to the border of Kazakhstan. Volunteers of Omsk, employees of the Siberian agricultural holding and representatives of the local forestry department took part in the landing. Together, they planted pine and birch seedlings on the protective bands of agricultural land.

We express gratitude for the assistance in holding the event to the local department of Lyubinsky forestry in the person of Loktev Alexander Mikhailovich, Siberia agricultural holding represented by Kisilevsky Konstantin Viktorovich and of course our fearless and tireless volunteers, whom we will wait for new and new landings!

“Despite the wind and constant movements in the fields from place to place, all participants showed resistance and conscientious attitude to the task. All planned 8,000 seedlings were planted "

Volkov Mikhail

Coordinator of the project "Plant the Forest" in the Omsk region

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia