On April 29, 2021, 5,500 seedlings were planted in the Volgograd region near the village of Lebyazhye with the sponsorship of Sberbank of Russia

On April 29, 2021, saplings were planted near the village of Lebyazhye. Future forest belt. The planting is part of the Southern forest belt of Russia, as a forest protection belt. The tree planting was organized by the all-Russian movement ECA (Plant a Forest project) with the sponsorship of Sberbank of Russia. A total of 5,500 young plants of pedunculate oak, ash and pine were prepared. Let us explain that the pedunculate oak, it is ordinary, is the same tree that grows in the region and district everywhere (mainly in the ravine-girder system, where there is more moisture). It is about these oaks that historical sources say: in three girths! Agro care will be organized for young trees.

Agro care will be organized for young trees. The planting was attended by 25 volunteers from different organizations. Students, teachers of the CENTER FOR CHILDREN'S AND YOUTH TOURISM, representatives of the creative club "TOUCH", representatives of the public movement GREEN KAMYSHIN, people with an active lifestyle. Despite the age difference, the participants helped each other, actively communicated and got to know each other. Everyone was incredibly happy with the level of the landing.



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On April 29, 2021, 5,500 seedlings were planted in the Volgograd region near the village of Lebyazhye with the support of Sberbank of Russia. - Plant a forest

On April 29, 2021, 5,500 seedlings were planted in the Volgograd region near the village of Lebyazhye with the sponsorship of Sberbank of Russia

On April 29, 2021, saplings were planted near the village of Lebyazhye. Future forest belt. The planting is part of the Southern forest belt of Russia, as a forest protection belt. The tree planting was organized by the all-Russian movement ECA (Plant a Forest project) with the sponsorship of Sberbank of Russia. A total of 5,500 young plants of pedunculate oak, ash and pine were prepared. Let us explain that the pedunculate oak, it is ordinary, is the same tree that grows in the region and district everywhere (mainly in the ravine-girder system, where there is more moisture). It is about these oaks that historical sources say: in three girths! Agro care will be organized for young trees.

Agro care will be organized for young trees. The planting was attended by 25 volunteers from different organizations. Students, teachers of the CENTER FOR CHILDREN'S AND YOUTH TOURISM, representatives of the creative club "TOUCH", representatives of the public movement GREEN KAMYSHIN, people with an active lifestyle. Despite the age difference, the participants helped each other, actively communicated and got to know each other. Everyone was incredibly happy with the level of the landing.



terminal with which you can plant trees

Mobile game

Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia