On October 28, 2022, 12,000 pine seedlings were planted in the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of Sber

In the Republic of Tatarstan, a new forest will make.

November 28, 2022 in the Republic of Tatarstan, a share for landing 12 was held  thousands of trees in the territory in the Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Kutlu-Bukashsky district forestry  As part of the autumn action of the All -Russian project “Plant the Forest”.  Sberbank employees planted a cherry oak and restored 3.6 hectares. The promotion is carried out thanks to public financing and support of a responsible business. 

Everyone could join the planting as volunteers. Regional organizers provided transportation to and from the landing site for the volunteers, meals, and provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the start of the event. Young trees were planted in areas specially prepared by the local forestry, which will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings. 

We choose places for landings with forestry. Usually these are territories after fires, sanitary cuts, after infection of the forest with a beetle. This fall, the place of our landing was chosen by the fish-Slobod district of the Kutlu-Bukashsky district forestry. Previously, Osin, which was cut down by forest arrangement, grew at this place for 52 years, the organizers of the action noted.

Rushan Sakhbiev, managing the Bank of Tatarstan Branch PJSC Sberbank:

“Sberbire volunteers traditionally support environmental initiatives, because thanks to such projects, we not only maintain the natural wealth of our republic, but also show an example of the younger generation.”

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
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A forest was planted in the Republic of Tatarstan - Plant a forest

On October 28, 2022, 12,000 pine seedlings were planted in the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of Sber

In the Republic of Tatarstan, a new forest will make.

November 28, 2022 in the Republic of Tatarstan, a share for landing 12 was held  thousands of trees in the territory in the Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Kutlu-Bukashsky district forestry  As part of the autumn action of the All -Russian project “Plant the Forest”.  Sberbank employees planted a cherry oak and restored 3.6 hectares. The promotion is carried out thanks to public financing and support of a responsible business. 

Everyone could join the planting as volunteers. Regional organizers provided transportation to and from the landing site for the volunteers, meals, and provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the start of the event. Young trees were planted in areas specially prepared by the local forestry, which will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings. 

We choose places for landings with forestry. Usually these are territories after fires, sanitary cuts, after infection of the forest with a beetle. This fall, the place of our landing was chosen by the fish-Slobod district of the Kutlu-Bukashsky district forestry. Previously, Osin, which was cut down by forest arrangement, grew at this place for 52 years, the organizers of the action noted.

Rushan Sakhbiev, managing the Bank of Tatarstan Branch PJSC Sberbank:

“Sberbire volunteers traditionally support environmental initiatives, because thanks to such projects, we not only maintain the natural wealth of our republic, but also show an example of the younger generation.”

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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