On April 22, 2023, 12,000 trees were planted in the Chelyabinsk region with the support of Sberbank PJSC

On April 22, 2023, 12,000 trees were planted in the Chelyabinsk region on the territory of the Verkhneuralsky forestry as part of the spring action to reduce the trace of carbon of the All -Russian Plant Planting Forest. 

Together with corporate volunteers of Sberbank PJSC, seedlings of pine planted and restored 2 hectares of forest. The action is held thanks to public financing and Sberbank PJSC. Everyone who wanted as volunteers was able to join the landing. 

Regional organizers provided transportation to and from the landing site for the volunteers, meals, and provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the start of the event. Young trees were planted in areas specially prepared by the local forestry, which will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings. 

We choose places for landing with forestry. Usually these are territories after fires, sanitary cuts, after infection of the forest with a beethole beetle. This spring, our landing was chosen by the Verkhneuralsky district, a fire occurred several years ago.


Anyone who could not join the plantings in person can support the restoration and conservation of forests online at PosadiLes.ru. The service will send photos and GPS coordinates of the seedlings.

When the planted trees get stronger and grow up, they will help to slow down the signing of the region of the region: they will create a comfortable and wet microclimate environment, reduce wind force at the level of the air layer, align the average daily temperature and make the climate as a whole less dry. 

Everyone can contribute to the restoration of the country's forests, joining the project as a volunteer or becoming a project donor. To become a volunteer plant the forest, you need to register on the website nash.posadiles.ru and monitor the announcements of shares nearby. You can support landings and subsequent agricultural agents online on the Posadiles.ru platform. After the landing season, the service will send photos and GPS coordinates of seedlings.


#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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In the Chelyabinsk region they planted trees - plant the forest

On April 22, 2023, 12,000 trees were planted in the Chelyabinsk region with the support of Sberbank PJSC

On April 22, 2023, 12,000 trees were planted in the Chelyabinsk region on the territory of the Verkhneuralsky forestry as part of the spring action to reduce the trace of carbon of the All -Russian Plant Planting Forest. 

Together with corporate volunteers of Sberbank PJSC, seedlings of pine planted and restored 2 hectares of forest. The action is held thanks to public financing and Sberbank PJSC. Everyone who wanted as volunteers was able to join the landing. 

Regional organizers provided transportation to and from the landing site for the volunteers, meals, and provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the start of the event. Young trees were planted in areas specially prepared by the local forestry, which will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings. 

We choose places for landing with forestry. Usually these are territories after fires, sanitary cuts, after infection of the forest with a beethole beetle. This spring, our landing was chosen by the Verkhneuralsky district, a fire occurred several years ago.


Anyone who could not join the plantings in person can support the restoration and conservation of forests online at PosadiLes.ru. The service will send photos and GPS coordinates of the seedlings.

When the planted trees get stronger and grow up, they will help to slow down the signing of the region of the region: they will create a comfortable and wet microclimate environment, reduce wind force at the level of the air layer, align the average daily temperature and make the climate as a whole less dry. 

Everyone can contribute to the restoration of the country's forests, joining the project as a volunteer or becoming a project donor. To become a volunteer plant the forest, you need to register on the website nash.posadiles.ru and monitor the announcements of shares nearby. You can support landings and subsequent agricultural agents online on the Posadiles.ru platform. After the landing season, the service will send photos and GPS coordinates of seedlings.


#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia