On May 19, 2017, the Republic of Mordovia joined the PosadiLes project

In the Tengushevsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, the first forest restoration campaign was held within the framework of the PosadiLes project.

The participants of the action were activists of the regional branch of the green movement of Russia "ECA", members of the Public Youth Chamber under the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia, employees of the Barashevsky and Temnikovsky forestries.

Under the leadership of the forester of the Barashevsky area Danilkin Yuri Vladimirovich, who has been working in this position for 43 years and knows every square meter of the forestry, the activists received instructions on planting pine seedlings and tested the technology of planting under Kolesov's sword. Seedlings are planted by two: one works with a planting sword, the other places the seedlings in the slot and straightens them. As a result of the action, 1,300 pine seedlings were planted on an area of ​​1.5-2 hectares.


The place of planting was not chosen by chance - in this area in 2010 forest fires raged, only in one forestry 8.5 thousand hectares of forest were destroyed.

Yulia Arshinova, head of the regional branch of the green movement of Russia "ECA": “Since 2011, we have been organizing tree planting events in schools, parks, yards, alleys, but the experience of planting forests was the first and quite successful. We hope that this autumn many regions of our republic will join this action. "

The PasadiLes project congratulates the activists of Mordovia with a good start and wishes them further success in this good cause!


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On May 19, 2017, the Republic of Mordovia joined the PosadiLes project - Plant a forest

On May 19, 2017, the Republic of Mordovia joined the PosadiLes project

In the Tengushevsky district of the Republic of Mordovia, the first forest restoration campaign was held within the framework of the PosadiLes project.

The participants of the action were activists of the regional branch of the green movement of Russia "ECA", members of the Public Youth Chamber under the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia, employees of the Barashevsky and Temnikovsky forestries.

Under the leadership of the forester of the Barashevsky area Danilkin Yuri Vladimirovich, who has been working in this position for 43 years and knows every square meter of the forestry, the activists received instructions on planting pine seedlings and tested the technology of planting under Kolesov's sword. Seedlings are planted by two: one works with a planting sword, the other places the seedlings in the slot and straightens them. As a result of the action, 1,300 pine seedlings were planted on an area of ​​1.5-2 hectares.


The place of planting was not chosen by chance - in this area in 2010 forest fires raged, only in one forestry 8.5 thousand hectares of forest were destroyed.

Yulia Arshinova, head of the regional branch of the green movement of Russia "ECA": “Since 2011, we have been organizing tree planting events in schools, parks, yards, alleys, but the experience of planting forests was the first and quite successful. We hope that this autumn many regions of our republic will join this action. "

The PasadiLes project congratulates the activists of Mordovia with a good start and wishes them further success in this good cause!


terminal with which you can plant trees

Mobile game

Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia