On May 18, 2023, 16,000 trees were landing in the Republic of Buryatia with the support of Sberbank PJSC

A new forest will make in Buryatia

On May 18, in Buryatia, an action was held to land 16,000 trees in the Tarbagatai Rain, next to Lower Zhirim. The project was organized as part of the spring action of the All -Russian project ““ Plant the Forest ”” ”(posadiles.ru). The volunteers of ANO Event, students of the secondary school N2, Ulan-Ude, and Sberbank employees planted 16,000 pine seedlings, restoring 4 hectares of land.

The promotion is carried out thanks to public financing and support of a responsible business.

Everyone who wanted as volunteers was able to join the landing. An event was provided to volunteers transportation to the place of landing and vice versa, food, and also provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the event. Young trees were planted in territories specially prepared by local forestries, which will be subsequent care of seedlings.

The massive participation of volunteers in the landing of the forest cannot but rejoice: they really help workers in the forest to restore the huge areas of forests that died from fires, harmful insects, hurricanes and other disasters. But we must not forget that for growing a new forest, it is not the landing itself that is the main importance, but the subsequent care of young trees, and for this we may not worry, because the forest is under supervision, ”shared the organizer of the action, the director of the ANO Event Genghis Bolotov .

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
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In the Republic of Buryatia, trees were planted - plant the forest

On May 18, 2023, 16,000 trees were landing in the Republic of Buryatia with the support of Sberbank PJSC

A new forest will make in Buryatia

On May 18, in Buryatia, an action was held to land 16,000 trees in the Tarbagatai Rain, next to Lower Zhirim. The project was organized as part of the spring action of the All -Russian project ““ Plant the Forest ”” ”(posadiles.ru). The volunteers of ANO Event, students of the secondary school N2, Ulan-Ude, and Sberbank employees planted 16,000 pine seedlings, restoring 4 hectares of land.

The promotion is carried out thanks to public financing and support of a responsible business.

Everyone who wanted as volunteers was able to join the landing. An event was provided to volunteers transportation to the place of landing and vice versa, food, and also provided all the necessary equipment. Forestry specialists held a master class before the event. Young trees were planted in territories specially prepared by local forestries, which will be subsequent care of seedlings.

The massive participation of volunteers in the landing of the forest cannot but rejoice: they really help workers in the forest to restore the huge areas of forests that died from fires, harmful insects, hurricanes and other disasters. But we must not forget that for growing a new forest, it is not the landing itself that is the main importance, but the subsequent care of young trees, and for this we may not worry, because the forest is under supervision, ”shared the organizer of the action, the director of the ANO Event Genghis Bolotov .

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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