On October 15, 2022, 20,000 trees were planted in the Republic of Khakassia with the support of S7
On October 5, the Republic of Khakassia, the Birikchul forestry.
In the morning, the weather was lucky with the weather, the preliminary forecast did not fail us: the sun, the blue sky, the high mood of the project participants from 21-70 years. The total number of participants is 60.
The road from the city of Abakan to the village of Tyrt-Tas took about 2.5 hours. Further, volunteers were transplanted into more all-terrain vehicles “Watch” of 18-20 people in one car. Drive on forest roads to the place of landing is also the attraction for volunteers.
Some volunteers first saw the forest after cutting down - this is the lack of forest. Rare thin larch and birch trees, stump everything that remains of him. Zakharov Viktor Alekseevich, the head of the Birikchul forestry section, conducted a safety instruction, clearly demonstrated how to use Kolesov’s sword correctly, showed furrows for landing, and provided equipment, and cedar seedlings.
On this day, 20,000 trees were planted.
Reference: Plant the “Plant the Forest” - the crowdfunding platform of the ECA movement for collecting funds for forest restoration, operating since 2015. Over the six years, more than 3.5 million trees in 52 regions of Russia were planted for six years.
In the summer of 2019, forest fires in Siberia spread to millions of hectares. In August 2019, a joint initiative of the airline S7 and the Planting Forest project was launched to replenish forests in Siberia and a goal was set to raise funds for planting 1,000,000 trees. Within the framework of this company, Siberia in 2022, we planted a million tree.