Last weekend, May 15, 2021, trees were planted in Udmurtia as part of the All-Russian project "Plant a Forest".

The participants planted a total of 20 thousand spruces and pines in the Votkinsk and Yakshur-Bod'insky districts. In total, about 100 people took part in the plantings.

The fund's foresters held a master class on planting spruce trees, using the so-called Kolesov sword, with the help of which volunteers plant trees every year.

“As a volunteer forest firefighter, it is very important for me to be at the landing, as I take part in extinguishing forest fires, I see how many forests are being destroyed. Therefore, my heart is glad that I can restore at least a small part of the lost forest fund ”, - Konstantin Chernyshev, planting volunteer.



terminal with which you can plant trees

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On May 15, 2021, there was a tree planting in Udmurtia - Plant a forest

Last weekend, May 15, 2021, trees were planted in Udmurtia as part of the All-Russian project "Plant a Forest".

The participants planted a total of 20 thousand spruces and pines in the Votkinsk and Yakshur-Bod'insky districts. In total, about 100 people took part in the plantings.

The fund's foresters held a master class on planting spruce trees, using the so-called Kolesov sword, with the help of which volunteers plant trees every year.

“As a volunteer forest firefighter, it is very important for me to be at the landing, as I take part in extinguishing forest fires, I see how many forests are being destroyed. Therefore, my heart is glad that I can restore at least a small part of the lost forest fund ”, - Konstantin Chernyshev, planting volunteer.



terminal with which you can plant trees

Mobile game

Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia