April 29, 2023 in the Samara region, 8000 trees were transplanted with the support of Sber
The federal volunteer project “Plant the Forest” returned to the Great Chernigovka of the Samara region. In the steppe edge, volunteers plant the forest again and again. He is vital here. Hot dry dry in the summer, frosty winds in winter. The end of April, +30, and there is nowhere to hide from such a heat. We got the site for landing at the local drying rivulet, which really needs the forest to become full -flowing. But so far the forest does not take root here. Birch trees were killed, then there was a clearing here, and now we arrived to fight the steppe again. 8000 seedlings of ash must gain a foothold and survive on this earth and become a “southern forest belt of Russia” - this is the name of one of the projects of the Ecological Movement of the ECA.
Landing was a hard, freshly freshly freshly unleashed, freshly bungolovs from the scorching sun and strong wind. All volunteers were distributed gloves, divided into pairs and groups, and after the master class, people began to plant their first forest.
A mandatory part of the program is a joint lunch after landing and a common photo. In the history of Bolshoi Chernigovka, this day will enter as a forest day. Schoolchildren and their parents expressed a desire to take patronage over the planted ashs, who need care and attention.