On September 24, 2023 in the Irkutsk region, an agricultural department was held for 50,000 trees with the support of S7

In the fall of 2022, near the village of Veresovka, the Irkutsk region, volunteers landed 50,000 pines. After a protracted winter, a hot summer came. This fall, the time has come to evaluate how the forest survived its first year under the Irkutsk sun. The survival rate amounted to 50 to 70 percent.
Our team «Посади Лес» скосила траву вокруг прижившихся сосенок, чтобы та не заглушила маленькие деревья.

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
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In the Irkutsk region, agricultural vehicle was held - Plant the forest

On September 24, 2023 in the Irkutsk region, an agricultural department was held for 50,000 trees with the support of S7

In the fall of 2022, near the village of Veresovka, the Irkutsk region, volunteers landed 50,000 pines. After a protracted winter, a hot summer came. This fall, the time has come to evaluate how the forest survived its first year under the Irkutsk sun. The survival rate amounted to 50 to 70 percent.
Our team «Посади Лес» скосила траву вокруг прижившихся сосенок, чтобы та не заглушила маленькие деревья.

#Lesomat terminal with which you can plant trees
Mobile game Поймите экосистему леса.
Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia