April 24, 2023 in the Ryazan Region, an agricultural department was held for 10,000 trees with the support of Sber
On April 24, 2023, the Ryazans again went to the village of Timoshkino Shilovsky district, so that, as part of the federal volunteer project, Plants Plants Forest Forestry to conduct an agricultural vehicle of the pine forest planted 2 years ago. This forest was planted in the place of a twice burned forest. But people did not step back in front of the destructive elements and landed the forest again. And for the second year now, volunteers and employees of the Shilovsky forestry have been taking care of the growing forest. Now Volunteers came to annoy 2000 seedlings in return for those that did not take root. Children and adults carefully study every plant on the furrows of the future forest. New seedlings are landed in the place of the dead. Thus, the density of the future forest is restored. In three hours we coped with the task, They heard stories about forests and volunteers, visited the site of the former conflagrations, where the dead of the burned trunks became a monument to human acceleration. More often fires arise from the garbage accident accidentally abandoned along the route.
After the work of all the participants, a vegetar dinner and the road home awaited.