On September 19, 2023 in the Republic of Buryatia, an agricultural department was held for 75,000 trees with the support of S7
On September 19, within the framework of the Planting Forest project, an agricultural department was held in the Tarbagatai and Bichursky district of Buryatia.
“So that the works do not disappear in vain, we carry out work on the agricultural department of the forest: it is very important to provide young seedlings with the conditions for further growth. In particular, we carry out the spark of the forest so that the fire of the fire does not spread to young trees. We also cleared the furrows in which trees grow, from weeds and dry grass, ”said Genghis Bolotov, the project coordinator.
Today, artificial forest recovery is quite effective. The Planting Forest project has already planted more than 3.6 million trees, and also provided the agricultural vehicle for their best survival.