Say a word about Christmas trees


Have you read O. Henry's story "Gifts of the Magi"? Once, in order not to become like the heroes of this brilliant work, I was looking on the Internet for an original gift for a good person. I came across someone's announcement that you can give a tree that will be planted for you somewhere there. “Yeah,” I thought then, “the next remnants of Bender with one of the relatively easy ways to withdraw money from the population.” Well, she passed by. However, karma is an insidious thing, and fate brought me to the project PosadiLes... I learned a lot about trees, about the intricacies of planting them and about the real People - yes, with a capital letter - who restored hundreds of hectares of dead forests with their own hands.

Let's go back to the gift. Is it a lot or a little - 180 rubles per tree? This is the same coffee and bun - I ate and forgot. Glossy magazine - read it and threw it away. I downloaded the new film and still can't see it. Everything is temporary, just a moment in your life. And here - a whole tree! It grows, takes root, throws out new branches and turns towards the sun. In its crown, birds build nests and raise offspring, squirrels jump and hide nuts in hollows, bears rub their backs against the trunk, and wild boars loosen the soil at its base. A tree is a whole world that moves in time with you, among other things, producing oxygen that everyone needs for life. And if there are 10 or 100 trees? This is already an ecosystem, a small forest.

It's nice to make gifts, but Giving useful gifts is doubly pleasant. No, three times, since nature also becomes good. We are part of nature, which means that reviving the forests, we do good for ourselves. Such "Gifts of the magi" are obtained, in a good sense of the word.

For the New Year, I do not dress up a felled tree. There are always ways create a new year symbol From improvised materials. I wish everyone in the new year more forests, fresh air and the joy of chirping birds on the branches of planted trees!


Elena Surovikina


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Say a word about Christmas trees - Plant a forest

Say a word about Christmas trees


Have you read O. Henry's story "Gifts of the Magi"? Once, in order not to become like the heroes of this brilliant work, I was looking on the Internet for an original gift for a good person. I came across someone's announcement that you can give a tree that will be planted for you somewhere there. “Yeah,” I thought then, “the next remnants of Bender with one of the relatively easy ways to withdraw money from the population.” Well, she passed by. However, karma is an insidious thing, and fate brought me to the project PosadiLes... I learned a lot about trees, about the intricacies of planting them and about the real People - yes, with a capital letter - who restored hundreds of hectares of dead forests with their own hands.

Let's go back to the gift. Is it a lot or a little - 180 rubles per tree? This is the same coffee and bun - I ate and forgot. Glossy magazine - read it and threw it away. I downloaded the new film and still can't see it. Everything is temporary, just a moment in your life. And here - a whole tree! It grows, takes root, throws out new branches and turns towards the sun. In its crown, birds build nests and raise offspring, squirrels jump and hide nuts in hollows, bears rub their backs against the trunk, and wild boars loosen the soil at its base. A tree is a whole world that moves in time with you, among other things, producing oxygen that everyone needs for life. And if there are 10 or 100 trees? This is already an ecosystem, a small forest.

It's nice to make gifts, but Giving useful gifts is doubly pleasant. No, three times, since nature also becomes good. We are part of nature, which means that reviving the forests, we do good for ourselves. Such "Gifts of the magi" are obtained, in a good sense of the word.

For the New Year, I do not dress up a felled tree. There are always ways create a new year symbol From improvised materials. I wish everyone in the new year more forests, fresh air and the joy of chirping birds on the branches of planted trees!


Elena Surovikina


Subscribe now and get once a month good news about our project, forests and ecology in Russia