Trees and shrubs predict the weather

Trees and shrubs predict the weather

It may seem to predict the weather on the leaves of the tree - The method is outdated. However, people living in close communication with trees begin to understand their habits and moods. And every avid mushroom pickens knows, for example, that the matter goes to rain if the maple leaves turn off and substitute their background to the fresh wind.

Many weather signs are associated with a change in the color of the leaves on the trees and the timing of their fall. Friendly leaf fall - to the harsh winter. Late leaf fall too. The wind turns the leaves on the trees the upper side down - to the rain. And if yellow leaves appear on the trees in the summer, then early autumn will come.

Even a dry tree has the qualities of a natural barometer. Dubrava is noisy to bad weather. The crack of trees in the forest intensifies to heat. If in calm weather the forest is greatly noisy, in the summer it is to rain, in winter - to the thaw.

In addition to sounds, it is worth paying attention to how the forest looks. Trees in SENE - there will be a blue sky. The forest blackens - to the thaw, grayer - to the frost. The air is blue over the forest - to heat.

Acacia white and yellow


Observe the yellow acacia. Before clear and dry weather in the flowers of yellow aciation, there is very little sweet nectar. Not much flies to her and insects: there is no food for them. Bees hide during bad weather in acacia bushes and do not fly to the apiary - to good weather.

With the approximation of bad weather, before the rain in the flowers of the acacia of the nectar, so much stands out that the aroma is felt in hundreds of meters. It was then that a lot of bees and other insects are circling near her. Before the bad weather, the flowers smell strongly, the corollas are open, the pestlers are spread apart, and a drop of honey is visible in the center of the flower. If the flowers smell very much in the morning (usually they smell only in the evening), a lot of bees and other insects above the bushes - it means that it will soon be rain with a thunderstorm.


Birch – одно из самых распространенных лиственных деревьев в России. Это целая фабрика фитонцидов: нежные листья березы выделяют их так много, что на всем пространстве вокруг дерева уничтожают возбудителей болезней. За века накопилось немало связанных с березой примет.

Want to know what summer will be? Take a closer look at birches: it will be published before the maple - dry, later - rainy. If in the spring the birch releases the leaves before alder - the summer will be dry, and if Olha is first blossomed, the cold and rain are tortured. It happens to a rainy summer if in the spring a lot of juice flows from a birch. In the spring, birch juice is tasteless - it means that bread will be damaged.

And what spring will be like, birches tell in the fall. The leaves begin to turn yellow from the top - wait for early spring, from below - late, and if evenly - medium.

Birches are also predicted in winter. In early October, the sheet did not fall from the birch - the snow will fall late. And if at one time the whole falls, then in late January - early February there will be a long thaw. If a sheet from a birch will fall on the cover (October 14) - by an easy year, and not cleanly - to a strict winter.

The folk agronomy, taking into account the calendar of nature and based on centuries of experience, teaches not to miss the deadlines: this oats, when the birch is blooming.


While the leaf from cherry trees has not fallen, no matter how much snow falls - winter will not come.


Распускается дуб – пора сеять горох. На дубе много плодов – к суровой зиме. В октябре лист с дуба опадает не чисто – жди суровой зимы, чисто – к теплой и мягкой зиме. Oak раньше ясеня лист распустит – к сухому лету. На бурю, если внимательно слушать, дуб стонет.


Coniferous trees lower their branches down before the rain and lift up before clear weather, which is especially manifested in spruce. The scales of the cones spruce in front of the rain are compressed. Observation Siberians-Taezhniki have long been determined by the upcoming weather as the condition of the crown of fir trees.

Do you know that spruce branches in your apartment can also serve as a barometer? The pair branch, fixed on the wall, can predict the weather: the approach of the bad weather makes the branches get closer, and when the weather goes to improve, the twigs will diverge.


You don't hear the smell from flowering bushes (or it's barely perceptible) - to good weather.


Before the rain, Dremas and honeysuckle are covered with insects. Honeysuckle flowers before the rain make a particularly strong aroma, and before drought, it is generally lost. Honeysuckle bushes begin to exude a strong smell of minutes in 15–20 before the rain.

Honeysuckle flowers do not smell, at night the smell is barely caught-to good weather.

Horse chestnut

Drops of sticky liquid flow from the petioles and leaves, there is a “crying” of plants per day or two before the rain.


Maple leaves begin to “pour tears” 3-4 days before the bad weather, secreting droplets of juice at the base of the cuttings.


Bushes of dots hiding in the shadows of trees, 15-20 hours before the rain, straighten their usually rounded leaves. The leaflets of the knuckles are twisted down - to good weather, spin - to the rain.

Heart-leaved linden

Few insects on flowering trees - dry weather. Far from the tree, the smell of honey is felt - towards the rain.


The needles of larch in clear weather are deployed, made wider, with a groove in the middle, and to the rain - it contracts, becomes rounded.


Juniper blooms in May - it's time to sow barley. Shoots extending from the trunk bend, the angle between the trunk and the shoot increases - to good weather.


There is a "crying" of plants - to the rain.


По цветению осины можно определять срок раннего сева моркови. Aspen в пушистых сережках – к урожаю овса. Полетел пух с осины – иди за подосиновиками.

There is a "crying" of plants - to the rain.


Among the long -term forecasters, an ordinary mountain ash. It can fragrant with flowering for more than two months. White hats of her honey flowers are an accurate harbinger of the weather fracture to a persistent warmth.

The beginning of the flowering of the mountain ash - gardeners Decree: you can sow cucumbers. Well, the mountain ash blooms - to the harvest of flax. Later flowering of mountain ash - to long mushroom autumn. If in the summer there are many fruits in the forest on the mountain ash - the autumn will be rainy, there are few fruits - dry autumn is expected.

A large harvest of mountain ash - to frosty winter. In the afternoon, there are a lot of bees and other insects over flowering trees - to clear weather.


The smell of lilacs is weak and is not felt at a certain distance from the bush - to good weather. The flowers begin to smell strongly 15–20 minutes before the rain.


Plants have no smell - to hot weather. The smell from the bushes, flowers 15–20 hours before the rain appear. The flowers began to smell especially strongly, there are a lot of bees above the bushes - 15–20 minutes before the rain.


On the storm, if you listen, the pine rings.

Poplar black

There are "crying" plants a few hours before the rain.

Bird cherry

According to the flowering of the bird cherry, the period of early sowing of potatoes is determined.

In May there are two colds: when the bird cherry blooms and when the oak blooms. When the bird cherry blooms, it is always cold. In the afternoon, there are a lot of bees and other insects over the flowering bushes - by clear weather.



Late spring. Осенью листья на деревьях начинают желтеть снизу. Bird cherry и рябина зацвели позже обычного.

Summers are short and warm. Bird cherry, рябина, одуванчик зацвели раньше обычного.

Summers are dry and hot. The leaves on the birch appeared earlier than on alder and maple, and on oak later than on Jasen.

Summers are cold and rainy. A lot of juice flows from maple and birch. The leaves on the birch appeared later than on alder and maple, and on the oak earlier than on Jasen.

Warm and long autumn. Rowan поздно зацвела.

Early autumn. In early August, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.

Rainy autumn. There are many fruits in the forest in the mountain ash.

Cold winter. Low harvest of mushrooms, cones, acorns. The leaf fall began with the tops of the trees, the leaves from the birch and oak did not fully scare.

Winter is warm with thaws. Listopad began with the lower branches of trees. Leaves from birch, oak and other trees fall together and completely. A lot of acorns on oak, mushrooms in the forest, sorrel.

Long winter. IVA was covered early in hoarfrost.

PreparedArina Mitrofanova




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Trees and shrubs predict the weather - Plant a forest

Trees and shrubs predict the weather

Trees and shrubs predict the weather

It may seem to predict the weather on the leaves of the tree - The method is outdated. However, people living in close communication with trees begin to understand their habits and moods. And every avid mushroom pickens knows, for example, that the matter goes to rain if the maple leaves turn off and substitute their background to the fresh wind.

Many weather signs are associated with a change in the color of the leaves on the trees and the timing of their fall. Friendly leaf fall - to the harsh winter. Late leaf fall too. The wind turns the leaves on the trees the upper side down - to the rain. And if yellow leaves appear on the trees in the summer, then early autumn will come.

Even a dry tree has the qualities of a natural barometer. Dubrava is noisy to bad weather. The crack of trees in the forest intensifies to heat. If in calm weather the forest is greatly noisy, in the summer it is to rain, in winter - to the thaw.

In addition to sounds, it is worth paying attention to how the forest looks. Trees in SENE - there will be a blue sky. The forest blackens - to the thaw, grayer - to the frost. The air is blue over the forest - to heat.

Acacia white and yellow


Observe the yellow acacia. Before clear and dry weather in the flowers of yellow aciation, there is very little sweet nectar. Not much flies to her and insects: there is no food for them. Bees hide during bad weather in acacia bushes and do not fly to the apiary - to good weather.

With the approximation of bad weather, before the rain in the flowers of the acacia of the nectar, so much stands out that the aroma is felt in hundreds of meters. It was then that a lot of bees and other insects are circling near her. Before the bad weather, the flowers smell strongly, the corollas are open, the pestlers are spread apart, and a drop of honey is visible in the center of the flower. If the flowers smell very much in the morning (usually they smell only in the evening), a lot of bees and other insects above the bushes - it means that it will soon be rain with a thunderstorm.


Birch – одно из самых распространенных лиственных деревьев в России. Это целая фабрика фитонцидов: нежные листья березы выделяют их так много, что на всем пространстве вокруг дерева уничтожают возбудителей болезней. За века накопилось немало связанных с березой примет.

Want to know what summer will be? Take a closer look at birches: it will be published before the maple - dry, later - rainy. If in the spring the birch releases the leaves before alder - the summer will be dry, and if Olha is first blossomed, the cold and rain are tortured. It happens to a rainy summer if in the spring a lot of juice flows from a birch. In the spring, birch juice is tasteless - it means that bread will be damaged.

And what spring will be like, birches tell in the fall. The leaves begin to turn yellow from the top - wait for early spring, from below - late, and if evenly - medium.

Birches are also predicted in winter. In early October, the sheet did not fall from the birch - the snow will fall late. And if at one time the whole falls, then in late January - early February there will be a long thaw. If a sheet from a birch will fall on the cover (October 14) - by an easy year, and not cleanly - to a strict winter.

The folk agronomy, taking into account the calendar of nature and based on centuries of experience, teaches not to miss the deadlines: this oats, when the birch is blooming.


While the leaf from cherry trees has not fallen, no matter how much snow falls - winter will not come.


Распускается дуб – пора сеять горох. На дубе много плодов – к суровой зиме. В октябре лист с дуба опадает не чисто – жди суровой зимы, чисто – к теплой и мягкой зиме. Oak раньше ясеня лист распустит – к сухому лету. На бурю, если внимательно слушать, дуб стонет.


Coniferous trees lower their branches down before the rain and lift up before clear weather, which is especially manifested in spruce. The scales of the cones spruce in front of the rain are compressed. Observation Siberians-Taezhniki have long been determined by the upcoming weather as the condition of the crown of fir trees.

Do you know that spruce branches in your apartment can also serve as a barometer? The pair branch, fixed on the wall, can predict the weather: the approach of the bad weather makes the branches get closer, and when the weather goes to improve, the twigs will diverge.


You don't hear the smell from flowering bushes (or it's barely perceptible) - to good weather.


Before the rain, Dremas and honeysuckle are covered with insects. Honeysuckle flowers before the rain make a particularly strong aroma, and before drought, it is generally lost. Honeysuckle bushes begin to exude a strong smell of minutes in 15–20 before the rain.

Honeysuckle flowers do not smell, at night the smell is barely caught-to good weather.

Horse chestnut

Drops of sticky liquid flow from the petioles and leaves, there is a “crying” of plants per day or two before the rain.


Maple leaves begin to “pour tears” 3-4 days before the bad weather, secreting droplets of juice at the base of the cuttings.


Bushes of dots hiding in the shadows of trees, 15-20 hours before the rain, straighten their usually rounded leaves. The leaflets of the knuckles are twisted down - to good weather, spin - to the rain.

Heart-leaved linden

Few insects on flowering trees - dry weather. Far from the tree, the smell of honey is felt - towards the rain.


The needles of larch in clear weather are deployed, made wider, with a groove in the middle, and to the rain - it contracts, becomes rounded.


Juniper blooms in May - it's time to sow barley. Shoots extending from the trunk bend, the angle between the trunk and the shoot increases - to good weather.


There is a "crying" of plants - to the rain.


По цветению осины можно определять срок раннего сева моркови. Aspen в пушистых сережках – к урожаю овса. Полетел пух с осины – иди за подосиновиками.

There is a "crying" of plants - to the rain.


Among the long -term forecasters, an ordinary mountain ash. It can fragrant with flowering for more than two months. White hats of her honey flowers are an accurate harbinger of the weather fracture to a persistent warmth.

The beginning of the flowering of the mountain ash - gardeners Decree: you can sow cucumbers. Well, the mountain ash blooms - to the harvest of flax. Later flowering of mountain ash - to long mushroom autumn. If in the summer there are many fruits in the forest on the mountain ash - the autumn will be rainy, there are few fruits - dry autumn is expected.

A large harvest of mountain ash - to frosty winter. In the afternoon, there are a lot of bees and other insects over flowering trees - to clear weather.


The smell of lilacs is weak and is not felt at a certain distance from the bush - to good weather. The flowers begin to smell strongly 15–20 minutes before the rain.


Plants have no smell - to hot weather. The smell from the bushes, flowers 15–20 hours before the rain appear. The flowers began to smell especially strongly, there are a lot of bees above the bushes - 15–20 minutes before the rain.


On the storm, if you listen, the pine rings.

Poplar black

There are "crying" plants a few hours before the rain.

Bird cherry

According to the flowering of the bird cherry, the period of early sowing of potatoes is determined.

In May there are two colds: when the bird cherry blooms and when the oak blooms. When the bird cherry blooms, it is always cold. In the afternoon, there are a lot of bees and other insects over the flowering bushes - by clear weather.



Late spring. Осенью листья на деревьях начинают желтеть снизу. Bird cherry и рябина зацвели позже обычного.

Summers are short and warm. Bird cherry, рябина, одуванчик зацвели раньше обычного.

Summers are dry and hot. The leaves on the birch appeared earlier than on alder and maple, and on oak later than on Jasen.

Summers are cold and rainy. A lot of juice flows from maple and birch. The leaves on the birch appeared later than on alder and maple, and on the oak earlier than on Jasen.

Warm and long autumn. Rowan поздно зацвела.

Early autumn. In early August, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow.

Rainy autumn. There are many fruits in the forest in the mountain ash.

Cold winter. Low harvest of mushrooms, cones, acorns. The leaf fall began with the tops of the trees, the leaves from the birch and oak did not fully scare.

Winter is warm with thaws. Listopad began with the lower branches of trees. Leaves from birch, oak and other trees fall together and completely. A lot of acorns on oak, mushrooms in the forest, sorrel.

Long winter. IVA was covered early in hoarfrost.

PreparedArina Mitrofanova




terminal with which you can plant trees

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Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

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