More than 9 thousand trees were planted to restore the burnt forest in the Irkutsk region

On September 22, in the vicinity of the village of Kuda in the Irkutsk region, more than 9 thousand pine and larch seedlings were planted to restore the burnt forest. Planting was organized within the framework of the “Plant a Forest” forest restoration and conservation project with the support of the regional Ministry of Forestry, the ECA Movement and the SPLAT company.

The planting took place on an area of ​​2.4 hectares, and about 50 activists took part in them. The planting area was specially prepared by the staff of the local forestry, who will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings.

The planting was initiated by the SPLAT company, which compensates for its carbon footprint by planting trees as part of the Plant a Forest project. During 2017-2018, the company planted more than 41 thousand seedlings in 5 regions of Russia. Last year, thanks to the “Plant a Forest” project, with the support of SPLAT, more than 12 thousand pine, spruce and larch seedlings were planted in the Shelekhovsky District of the Irkutsk Region.

“It is important for us that the people around us, our partners and contractors, the authorities in the region where the factory is located, share our principles of sustainable development, - is talking Natalia Prindik, Environmental Engineer at Organic Pharmaceuticals. - In our opinion, this is an important project for environmental responsibility - we not only improve the area where most of our production employees live, but also bring up the right attitude to their city and the environment among all residents and the younger generation. "

Company information

SPLAT – российский разработчик и производитель инновационных средств для ухода за полостью рта, бытовой химии и средств для ухода за волосами. Динамично развивающаяся семейная компания специализируется на создании качественных, не имеющих аналогов в мире продуктов, и за 17 лет своего существования заняла более 17% объема российского рынка, экспортируется в 67 стран мира. Разработкой уникальных составов занимаются 2 собственные научные лаборатории и современный R&D-центр. Our team SPLAT искренне верит, что можно изменить мир к лучшему, и работает для того, чтобы каждую секунду в мире кто-то улыбался.


terminal with which you can plant trees

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More than 9 thousand trees were planted to restore a burned-out forest in the Irkutsk region - Plant a forest

More than 9 thousand trees were planted to restore the burnt forest in the Irkutsk region

On September 22, in the vicinity of the village of Kuda in the Irkutsk region, more than 9 thousand pine and larch seedlings were planted to restore the burnt forest. Planting was organized within the framework of the “Plant a Forest” forest restoration and conservation project with the support of the regional Ministry of Forestry, the ECA Movement and the SPLAT company.

The planting took place on an area of ​​2.4 hectares, and about 50 activists took part in them. The planting area was specially prepared by the staff of the local forestry, who will carry out the subsequent care of the seedlings.

The planting was initiated by the SPLAT company, which compensates for its carbon footprint by planting trees as part of the Plant a Forest project. During 2017-2018, the company planted more than 41 thousand seedlings in 5 regions of Russia. Last year, thanks to the “Plant a Forest” project, with the support of SPLAT, more than 12 thousand pine, spruce and larch seedlings were planted in the Shelekhovsky District of the Irkutsk Region.

“It is important for us that the people around us, our partners and contractors, the authorities in the region where the factory is located, share our principles of sustainable development, - is talking Natalia Prindik, Environmental Engineer at Organic Pharmaceuticals. - In our opinion, this is an important project for environmental responsibility - we not only improve the area where most of our production employees live, but also bring up the right attitude to their city and the environment among all residents and the younger generation. "

Company information

SPLAT – российский разработчик и производитель инновационных средств для ухода за полостью рта, бытовой химии и средств для ухода за волосами. Динамично развивающаяся семейная компания специализируется на создании качественных, не имеющих аналогов в мире продуктов, и за 17 лет своего существования заняла более 17% объема российского рынка, экспортируется в 67 стран мира. Разработкой уникальных составов занимаются 2 собственные научные лаборатории и современный R&D-центр. Our team SPLAT искренне верит, что можно изменить мир к лучшему, и работает для того, чтобы каждую секунду в мире кто-то улыбался.


terminal with which you can plant trees

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Understand the ecosystem of the forest.

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